Private Istanbul Tema Hospital
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Innovative Healthcare Services Established in 2019, Istanbul Tema Hospital is the first hospital under the brand name BHT CLINIC. It is the newest hospital belonging to Bahat Health Group and serves with its competent employees, expert physician staff and the most modern technological devices and treatment methods. Adopting the principle of satisfaction of staff, patients and relatives of patients, the hospital aims to be one of the leading institutions of its sector.
Emergency Service
In this section, which provides uninterrupted service, experienced nurses, experienced emergency department personnel and doctors are met and the medical interventions they need are performed correctly and quickly according to the emergency situation. There are separate observation rooms for children and adults in the emergency room, which consists of emergency surgical intervention room, green area examination room, trauma room, triage room, burn – dressing room, plaster room, resuscitation room with Advanced Life Support, decontamination room.
Oral and dental diseases
Diagnosis and treatment services for oral, jaw and dental health of all children and adults are offered in this unit. Crown bridge prostheses, zircon or porcelain veneers, apical resection, and implant, filling treatments, cyst operations, gum and canal treatments, laminated, oral Implantology, aesthetic dentistry are among them.
Anesthesia and reanimation
Anesthesia methods required for successful operation of all surgical branches are applied by specialists of this unit. Follow-up and treatment of patients taken to intensive care, respiratory support, drug support in case of organ failure, gastric tube or intravenous nutrition treatments are carried out here.
Nutrition and Dietetics
After a detailed analysis of the body, patients admitted to the relevant unit are organized into a nutrition program in accordance with their needs and characteristics, helping them to eat a healthy, adequate and balanced diet; reach an ideal weight and maintain this body weight. In Children, Nutrition, Obesity, Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, Adolescent Nutrition, Diabetes and nutrition, sports nutrition, eating disorders, chronic diseases, nutrition, allergies and food intolerance this volume is of interest.
Brain, nerve and spinal cord surgery
In this section, the treatment of surgical diseases observed in the nervous system caused by the spinal cord, nerves and spine is carried out. Advanced technology standards such as neuromoniterization, neuron avigation and micro-surgery are used during operations. Noronavigasyon, brain tumors, tumor staining, brain damage, spinal tumors, hydrocephalus surgery, vascular diseases of the brain, low back and neck pain, head injuries, brain cell applications, nerve injuries, nerve compression, waist shift, narrowing of the spinal canal, spinal fractures in this area are treated.
Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry, which is based on the study of living beings at the molecular level, is applied in the laboratories according to the requirements of modern technology. All body fluids, especially urine, blood, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), are examined in this unit. In this way, diagnosis and treatment are helped. Sugar tests, kidney and liver tests, blood fats, V tests, Endocrinology and hematology tests, prenatal screening tests are studied in these laboratories.
Check-Up Center
In this center, where personalized wellness and check-up services are offered, it is possible to diagnose disease risks early.
Pediatric Surgery
Diagnosis and treatment of surgical problems of children between the ages of 0-15 are carried out by this branch. Kidney output strictures, kidney growth, urinary incontinence, bladder diseases, genital Diseases, intestinal knot, liver diseases, appendicitis, surgical abnormalities observed in the newborn period are among them.
Pediatric Cardiology
It deals with the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of heart diseases that occur before birth, in newborns, foster children and adolescents, and in young adults. All congenital and acquired heart diseases in children are of interest to this unit.
Child Neurology
Neurological diseases related to the muscle and nervous system of individuals in the age group of 0-18 years are covered by the specialty of this department Nov. Fever, childhood epilepsies, neuropathies, autism, developmental retardation, sleep, movement and speech disorders are among them.
Child Psychiatry
It is a unit that deals with behavioral, emotional and cognitive problems of individuals aged 0-18 years and performs treatment with pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy methods. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, developmental disorders, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, anxiety disorders, hair pulling, skin-picking, nail biting, thumb sucking problems, technology addiction, tic disorders are examples of these.
Child Health and diseases
It is the department that conducts vaccination follow-up and routine health checks of children and provides professional diagnosis and treatment services for all children's diseases.
Oral mucosa, skin, nail, hair problems; venereal diseases are of interest to this unit. Hair diseases, vitiligo disease, fungal diseases, rash diseases, allergies are treated here.
Hand surgery and micro surgery
Diagnosis and treatment of all problems related to the arm, elbow, hand and wrist are carried out by specialist doctors in this unit. Finger fractures, nerve and tendon injuries, finger breaks, finger and hand anomalies, hand tumors, hand and arm strokes are some of the disorders that are of interest to this unit.
Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases
It deals with the internal glands, the hormones secreted from these glands, and the functions of these hormones. Hormone disorders and problems caused by this are diagnosed and treated in this unit. Health problems such as goiter disease, diabetes, Adrenal Diseases, bone resorption, increased hair growth, menstrual irregularities, sex hormone diseases and obesity are evaluated in this section.
Endometriosis Center
Endometriosis or chocolate cyst problem is treated in this section. The treatment uses pain pills, birth control drugs, hormonal treatments such as aromatase inhalers and GnRH analogues, or laparoscopic surgery.
Infectious Diseases
This section deals with urinary tract infections, lower-upper respiratory tract infections, travel infections, viral hepatitis, soft tissue infections, diabetic foot infections, sexually transmitted diseases. Cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neuromuscular diseases; functional and physical disorders are included in the area of interest of this unit Nov.
It is a medical branch that deals with all digestive problems such as gallstones, reflux, and constipation.
Traditional and Complementary Medicine
It is the department that uses different alternative applications to medicine and surgery in the name of preventing, detecting and improving mental and physical diseases. Acupuncture, Plant Therapy, Cup therapy, hypnosis, leech therapy, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, Prolotherapy, apiterapi, reflexology are some of them.
General Surgery
Thyroid, breast, digestive system problems, biliary tract, adrenal glands, abdominal hernias, inguinal hernias, liver problems, obesity surgery is the department where operations are performed.
Interventional Radiology
Angiography, CT, ultrasonography and similar imaging methods are used, as well as diagnosis of many diseases, non-surgical treatment of a number of diseases is the area of expertise. Tumor marking, biopsy, draining drainage applications, stent or balloon applications, closed angiography treatments are performed in this unit.
Thoracic Surgery
Chest wall, lung, pleural, diaphragm, mediastinal infections, traumas and cancers are treated surgically in this section.
It is a unit that provides the diagnosis and treatment of complaints related to lung diseases. COPD, lung cancer, measurement of respiratory function, allergic diseases, smoking cessation, bronchoscopy procedures are also of interest to this unit.
Eye health and diseases
In accordance with technological and scientific developments, it is a branch that operates to provide solutions to all eye diseases with modern diagnostic and treatment methods. Strabismus, cataracts, retinal diseases, eye pressure, corneal diseases are among them.
Internal Medicine
The first reference in the elimination of adult health problems Centre, Department of Internal Medicine; febrile illness, respiratory illness, diabetes, hypertension, diseases of the digestive system and the thyroid, lung, liver, kidney, and gall bladder deals with blood diseases.
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Pregnancy follow-up, family planning, breast diseases, cancer screenings, genital aesthetics, gynecological diseases and operations, childbirth, menopause treatment are among the interests of this unit. The center has a water delivery unit and 4D ultrasound devices.
Cardiovascular Surgery
It is the department where pediatric and adult heart surgeries are performed with multidisciplinary understanding and by specialist physicians. Coronary bypass surgery, fontan type surgery, condition changes, battery installation, heart tumor surgery, heart valve change and repair, aortic and Mitral valve surgery are among them.
All cardiovascular diseases are diagnosed in this section, and the necessary treatments are again applied in this section. The main treatment areas are acute myocarditis, acute coronary syndrome, aortic stenosis, angina pectoris, atrial myxoma, ischemic heart diseases, cardiac tumor and arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy.
Nasal flesh, tonsils, aesthetic nose surgery, sound diseases, chronic inflammation of the middle ear, eardrum repair, intra-nasal curvature, ear tube, endoscopic sinus surgery are among the interests of this unit.
Medical Oncology
The tumor council consists of departments such as a person-specific chemotherapy unit, an immunotherapy unit, and targeted cancer treatments are carried out here.
Microbiology Laboratory
This section has an important place in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms such as fungi, viruses and bacteria. Serology tests, routine pregnancy screening tests, drug level tests, and tumor markers are performed here. (In the transfusion (blood bank) center, forward, reverse, cross match and antibody screening tests are performed.
It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all health problems affecting the kidneys, especially kidney failure. Urinary abnormalities and electrolyte disorders are also evaluated in this unit.
It is a unit that deals with high-risk patients, such as newborns and premature babies, and is a side branch of the Department of Child Health and diseases.
Diagnosis and treatment of all neurological diseases such as epilepsy, dementia, dizziness, headache, movement disorders, MS, stroke are carried out in this section. The Sleep Laboratory, which is responsible for the detection and treatment of sleep disorders, also works integrated with the neurology unit.
Bariatric Surgery
In order for people to achieve their ideal body weight in a healthy way, the surgeries they need are performed in this section. Sleeve gastrectomy, mini gastric bypass, gastric bypass, transit bipartisanship are among them.
Oncological Surgery
It is a unit that surgically treats the area where the cancer settles. It plays an active role in the diagnosis and treatment of cancers related to branches such as brain and neurosurgery, jaw surgery, hand surgery, thoracic surgery, gynecology, eye surgery, general surgery, urological surgery.
Orthopedics and Traumatology
Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of congenital and acquired diseases that occur in the musculoskeletal system are performed in this section Nov. Trauma surgery (dislocation and fractures), shoulder joint, ankle and knee arthroscopies, soft tissue injuries, hip calcification are some of the Department's interests.
Perinatology, a side branch of the Department of Gynecology, deals with the follow-up of risky pregnancies. Chromosomal anomaly scan early diagnosis of fetal anomalies, preeclampsia, foreseeing and preventing preterm labor, cervical insufficiency control, monitoring fetal growth retardation and the necessary interventions, the management of the disease and gestational diabetes in the mother during pregnancy, multiple pregnancies following intrauterine fetal blood transfuzyonub Perinatology is carried out by experts employed in the unit.
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery
Non-invasive applications, body contouring, nose, ear, neck and eyelid surgery, liposuction, breast augmentation, lip enhancement, tummy tuck, Nov Removal, Hair transplant, facial rejuvenation, especially in plastic and reconstructive this is the section where all the operations are performed.
Sleep disorders, skepticism, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, obsessions, mood disorders, schizophrenia, depression, old age psychiatry and behavioral disorders in a large group of diseases, including all diagnostic and treatment services.
It is a department that helps individuals overcome their mental problems with behavioral treatment methods such as psychotherapy.
It is a unit that uses patient-friendly and modern technologies that provide high-level image quality at a low dose. Digital mammography, CT, MRI, angiography, bone density measurement, fluoroscopy, digital X-ray are among the technologies used in this section.
Inflammatory rheumatologically diseases are diagnosed and treated in this section. Examples include spondylartrites, connective tissue diseases, FMF, vasculitis, Crystal arthritis, and Bechet’s disease.
IVF Center
With its high success rate treatment methods, this center helps those who want to have children with modern technological facilities. Approximately 600 patients are treated annually at the center, where expert embryologists and doctors work in the field. Hysteroscopy, laparoscopic surgery, Pgd, embryo shaving, embryo freezing, Tesa, ICSI, Ivf, vaccination, ovulation treatment are some of the applications performed in this center.
It is a unit that deals with problems of the urinary canal, kidney, and bladder seen in children, women and men; it performs diagnostic, surgical and medical treatment procedures. In men, testicular and prostate diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual dysfunction, infertility problems are also treated in this unit.
Intensive Care Services
Coronary intensive care is divided into different units as adult intensive care and neonatal intensive care. In this unit, which provides continuous vital support to patients, treatment services are provided with advanced technology and expert staff.
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Private Istanbul Tema Hospital's Doctors

Prof. Dr. Celaletdin CAMCI
Medical Oncology

Prof. Dr. Abdullah ALTINTAŞ
Internal Medicine

Prof. Dr. Hızır ULVI

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Zahir BAKICI

Prof. Dr. Servet Rüştü KARAHAN
General Surgery