Blood is an essential fluid for life and its only source is human. In adult humans, bone marrow is the organ that makes blood. Since the only source of blood is human and it is an essential fluid for life, there is no substitute to replace it when needed in some cases. Therefore, giving blood saves lives. Blood donation is quite common in developed countries. 

Donating blood is very beneficial for the donor. It strengthens the immune system as it physically stimulates the bone marrow and enables young blood cells to be made in the bone marrow and mixed into the bloodstream. In addition, the person who donates blood feels a psychological relief when he/she thinks that by doing this task, he/she is saving the life of another person.

Who should donate blood? 

Since blood is a liquid produced in the bone marrow, giving blood does not cause any health problems for healthy people. Anyone between the ages of 18-65 and with normal haemoglobin and haematocrit values in blood measurements can donate blood on average four times a year.

Who should not donate blood? 

People with chronic diseases, infectious diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis, cancer, hypertension, blood diseases and heart diseases are not recommended to give blood. It is also not suitable for people who need to take regular medication to give blood.

After giving blood 

Since fluid loss occurs during blood donation, it is recommended that the person consumes plenty of fluids, does not smoke or drink alcohol, and avoids heavy exercise for a while. However, it is important for those who work in jobs that require attention and balance to take a break from what they do for a day. 

In addition, the most frequent blood transfusion should be at intervals of two months. It is not healthy to donate blood more frequently. 

How long does it take for the donated blood to be regenerated? 

The life span of a normal blood cell is 120 days. On average, normal values are reached again 2-3 months after giving blood.