Skin allergy in infants often manifests as food consumption and allergic eczema. Foods such as milk and dairy products, eggs and nuts can cause allergic reactions, especially in babies who start taking foods other than breast milk during the supplementary food period. During this period, parents are advised to apply the 3-day rule.
3 Day Rule
By giving the same food to your baby for 3 days, it is possible to determine whether your baby is allergic to this food. You can observe the baby's allergy to that food.
Food allergy in babies primarily manifests itself as itching and redness. You should examine your baby's whole body to detect allergies.
Allergic Eczema in Babies
Allergic eczema is seen as itching and rash on the skin in babies. If you do not take precautions, the severity of eczema may increase and become difficult to treat. To prevent allergic eczema, you should avoid contact with your baby, especially with products containing chemicals such as wet wipes and detergents. You should make sure that all the products you use for your baby are products with natural ingredients.