Low back pain has become one of the most common health problems today. The problem of low back pain is a condition that affects the quality of life very negatively by restricting the person's movements. Previously, it was thought that low back pain was only a problem of adults, but later research revealed that this problem was caused by mistakes made in youth and even childhood.

How can we prevent low back pain? 

Factors such as the use of inappropriate backpacks, prolonged computer use in an inappropriate position, inappropriate height of equipment such as desks and chairs at school, slouching and sitting in the wrong position are the main causes of low back pain. Psychosocial reasons such as difficulty in some communication problems and difficulty in communication can also lead to low back pain. In order to prevent low back pain, posture and the habit of using the body well should be taught to young people, and the use of appropriate backpacks, less load carried, good adjustment of the height of the table and chair, physical activities during breaks will be effective in preventing low back pain.

Pay attention to the weight of the school bag 

The weight of the backpack our children wear to school should not exceed 15 percent of their own weight. This can also be discussed with teachers. In addition, there are some precautions that can be taken for children's back health: 

  • The weight of the bag and its contents should not exceed 15 percent of the child's total weight and the weight in the bag should be distributed appropriately.
  • Heavier items should be placed in compartments close to the waist and back. 
  • Backpacks should not be carried for long periods of time. In cases where the child will be standing for a long time, the bag should be removed. 
  • Orthopedic and lightweight bags or wheeled bags should be preferred. 
  • The backpack should be slung over both shoulders. It should never be carried on one shoulder. 
  • Both straps of the backpack should be used together and should be securely fixed and adjusted to stand 5 cm above the waist.
  • It should be ensured that exercises recommended by the doctor to develop the back muscles are performed.
  • Students should have lockers at school and carry only what they need home.
  • Teachers and parents should discuss the problem of carrying heavy bags and heavy books.
  • As family members, bags should be cleaned and unneeded items should be removed from the bag.
  • If the child complains of frequent back pain, the doctor should be consulted.