Intestinal worms are organisms that live as parasites in the human body and are a common health problem worldwide. These parasites usually enter the body through food, water or dirty hands and settle in the intestines. So, how do you know if you have intestinal worms? What are the symptoms, how are they treated and what kind of negative effects do they cause in the body?

What are the symptoms of intestinal worms?

Intestinal worms may not cause obvious symptoms most of the time, but in some cases the following symptoms may be seen:

Abdominal pain and cramps: Parasites living in the intestines can cause discomfort in the digestive system and recurrent abdominal pain. These pains can be particularly intense in the lower abdomen.

Diarrhoea or constipation: Parasites can affect bowel movements, which can lead to symptoms such as irregular defecation, diarrhoea or constipation.

Weight Loss and Loss of Appetite: Intestinal worms can cause sudden weight loss and loss of appetite by preventing the absorption of nutrients. This can lead to developmental problems, especially in children.

Fatigue and weakness: Parasites can cause anaemia and chronic fatigue by absorbing nutrients from the body. This causes the person to feel tired and weak all the time.

Nausea and Vomiting: The presence of intestinal worms can cause nausea and occasionally vomiting.

Itching (especially in the anus area): One of the most common symptoms of intestinal worms is itching in the anus area, which intensifies especially at night. This is especially common in pinworm infections.

Sleep Problems: Itching and discomfort can interrupt nighttime sleep and lead to disturbed sleep patterns.

What do intestinal worms do to your body?

Intestinal worms can cause serious problems in the body, especially if left untreated for a long time. Here are the negative effects of these parasites on the body:

Malnutrition: Intestinal worms can cause nutritional disorders by absorbing nutrients that the body needs. This can lead to growth and development problems, especially in children.

Weakening of the Immune System: The presence of parasites in the body for a long time can weaken the immune system and reduce resistance to infections. This can cause the body to become more vulnerable to other diseases.

Intestinal Blockage: Especially large parasites can cause serious health problems by causing blockage in the intestines.

Anaemia: The absorption of iron from the body by parasites can lead to anaemia (anaemia). This occurs especially when intestinal worms are left untreated for a long time.

Organ Damage: Some intestinal worms can penetrate the intestinal wall and reach other organs such as the liver and lungs, where they can cause damage.

How can you get rid of intestinal worms?

The most effective way to get rid of intestinal worms is to receive medical treatment. However, there are also some measures that can be taken at home to support the treatment process:

Medical treatment: The doctor prescribes appropriate antiparasitic drugs according to the type of parasite. These drugs neutralise the intestinal worms and ensure that they are eliminated from the body. Treatment usually takes several days and sometimes all family members may need to be treated.

Hygiene: Frequent hand washing and following hygiene rules before meals and after using the toilet help to prevent the spread of infection. It is also recommended that underwear be changed daily and washed at high temperatures.

Diet and Nutrition: Adopting a fibre-rich diet to get rid of intestinal worms can help regulate bowel movements and help eliminate parasites. It may also be beneficial to consume foods such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, papaya and pineapple, which have natural antiparasitic properties.

Water and Food Safety: Drinking water and food hygiene should be taken into consideration to protect against parasites. Raw or undercooked meat should be avoided and vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly.

Home Hygiene: Maintaining hygiene at home reduces the risk of infection. It is important to wash bed linen and clothes regularly and keep household surfaces clean.