In some babies between 3 weeks and 4 months of age, the cause of the condition called colic, which often manifests itself in the form of crying spells, is not very clear. However, there are some theories about this condition. Some of these are 

  • Behavioral: Not holding the baby in the correct position while feeding the baby can cause the baby to swallow a lot of air. For this reason, the baby should be burped after feeding is completed. When the baby is not burped well, the baby may cry. 
  • Organic: Inadequacies in carbohydrate digestion, underdevelopment of the nervous system that provides bowel movements, leaks from the stomach to the esophagus
  • Psychological: factors such as restlessness due to the inexperience of the parents, postpartum depression of the mother, stress, the baby's inability to cope with external sounds, images and sensations are held responsible.

However, the general tendency is to accept that this is a developmental process that will pass spontaneously at 3-4 months of age.

There is no difference between gas problems in breastfed and formula-fed babies. In other words, breastfed babies may have gas problems, but formula-fed babies can also have gas problems. 
However, gas problems generally disappear when the baby is 3-4 months old. 

What can be done for babies whose gas pains do not go away? 

When the baby's restlessness and crying spells begin, the first thing to do is to consult a physician to determine that the problem is gas. Afterwards, if you are sure that there is no other problem, it may be best for parents to stay calm, ask for help from others and get away from the baby's environment for a while. Gas problems are temporary. The methods to be applied for the baby to pass gas easily can be tried by mom and dad. 

Can the baby be given medicine for gas pains? 

There are medications that can be used for gas problems, but it should be remembered that these medications can cause various and serious side effects. Before using medication for gas pains, a doctor should be consulted and if medication is to be used, it should be used as prescribed by the doctor. 

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